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Here's what happens next...

 Now that you have joined us I want to give you a brief overview of what's going to happen next, now that you are one of our valued Purple Pirate Media members...

Your personally signed copy of the Seven Cs Of Why is on its way to you and is being sent to the address you used on the order form. In the meantime you will be getting a few emails to give you useful information about your membership. You'll also get another email shortly with your first media pack and you can expect a new one each month, not that you're a member. For now all that is left is to say welcome fellow Purple Pirate and enjoy the journey: guide@rainmakershub.com

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Everything we do is focused on serving and guiding you to the success you desire. If you feel you're not getting value for your money, then please do reach out to us and we will do better for you. Don't forget as part of this risk free offer you have a thrity day money-back guarantee. This won't kick in until your thirty day trail has completed and you've made the first payment.

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Yes, This Page Was Built Using the Rainmakers Club models. We practice what we teach, we are Purple Pirates and Navigate the 7C's and you can too. ​RainmakersHub.Com - Part of Rainmakers Club Limited ©2024​.